Advertising revenue- Money received from companies who have paid The Big Issue to place an advertisement for their business in one of the published magazines.
Articles- A piece of writing that covers a specific issue or story within a Magazine or Newspaper.
Audience Appeal- The way the magazine and articles within it are structured to attract the targeted demographic.
Cost- Outflows from the business to produce the magazine or a payment that is incurred externally.
Cultural and political awareness- Articles are written based on events that haven’t happened recently or are currently occurring.
Culture- Themes of Art, Television, news, theatre, film, and music which are typically focused on within articles in The Big Issue.
David v. Goliath narratives- A story where a ‘down trodden group’ will fight corporate giants.
Editor-in-chief- The individual who oversees the production of the magazines content.
Editorial content- The articles and other structural features such as visual narrative which are included in the magazine.
Editorial opinion- The journalist who is writing the articles will often weigh in their own opinion on the theme or story.
Emotional fulfilment- The satisfaction of helping someone who is in need. This is what the customers of The Big Issue get from purchasing one of its copies.
Front cover- The front page of the magazine, typically and briefly highlights the key elements within the magazine to attract its target audience.
Guest columnists- Someone who has written an article which is to fit in a column of the magazine. This person does not typically write for The Big Issue, e.g. a celebrity or politician.
Hybrid genre- The Big Issue contains articles relevant to news, culture, editorial opinion and interviews.
Ideological beliefs- A set of social or political beliefs that are from a specific culture.
Ideology- Morals and ideals which will be key in forming economic and political beliefs, this must be similar to the reader’s ideas.
Independent publication- The Big Issue is not owned by any other company, it produced and sells its own magazine.
Institutional factors- Elements that are always controlled and contemporary within all its published magazines. E.g. its target audience and structure.
Intertextuality- Elements used within the Magazine that relate to an external piece of media, e.g. a song lyric or movie quote.
Interviews- A Q and A narrative between a guest and member of The Big Issue.
John Bird and Gordon Riddick- The founders of The Big Issue.
Key appeals- Components, such as article plots, guests and other occurrences within the world which are specifically chosen to interest The Big Issue’s target audience.
Language code- The form of literature used, in The Big Issue’s case, a formal and complex structure is used, meaning only those who are well educated will have a thorough understanding of the texts.
Low production values- The cost to produce The Big Issue Magazine is considered ‘cheap’ in order to ensure that the vendors can benefit from the surplus made.
Magazine sales- How many Magazines have been sold, and how much revenue was created from them.
Modes of address- The language code used within the articles. The Big Issue uses a formal, complex sentence structure to make it appear that the article is talking to you as a reader.
News- Recent events or newly-surfaced information that’s relevant to society.
Not-for-profit organisation- The business is not interested in making a profit, any surplus made is reinvested in to the business to benefit its charitable cause.
Passing trade- The Big Issue is not sold within shops or Newsagents, copies are sold to the public who are passing a vendor in the street.
Primary target audience- The Big Issues target audience is ABC1 socially aware professionals aged between 25-44. This is the demographic that The Big Issue aims its magazine at.
Public service- Offering a service that benefits the community. The Big Issues public service is to help eradicate homelessness.
Published- After a magazine has been completed and can now be purchased/viewed by the public.
Rogue traders- People who sell The Big Issue when they aren’t a registered vendor to the business.
Socially aware- The Big Issue is aware of problems or events occurring within societies to support the fact the fact they are a left-wing magazine publican.
Start-up capital- Money raised prior to the opening of the business to get it started.
Target audience- The Big Issues target audience is ABC1 socially aware professionals aged between 25-44. This is the demographic that The Big Issue typically aims its magazines at.
The Big Issue- The name of the magazine.
The Big Issue Ltd- The main organisation that owns the magazine and charity. Its legal structure is private limited, meaning it has limited liability and shares of the business can only be sold to friends and family of the owners.
The Big Issue Foundation- The charitable institution that is the arm of The Big Issue magazine.
Vendors- The people that are responsible for making sales for
Weekly circulation- The Big Issue has an average Weekly circulation of around 82,000. This is the amount of magazines sold to the public.
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